
Cantwell Introduces Bill to Prevent Supply Chain Disruptions Before They Happen, Protect American Producers & Pocketbooks

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), a senior member of the Committee, introduced the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act that would create a government-wide approach to monitoring, tracking and strengthening American supply chains. The bill would help anticipate and address future supply chain disruptions before they happen, identify opportunities to grow manufacturing capacity and jobs here at home, and reduce costs for American consumers.

“From our aerospace manufacturers to our growers, Washington state relies on robust supply chains to produce, grow and ship our products to the world,” said Sen. Cantwell. “One supply chain shock can disrupt the entire system, driving shortages and raising costs. Our legislation will get the government, businesses and manufacturers working together to identify gaps and build capacity to prevent supply chain disruptions before they happen. It will strengthen American manufacturing jobs, keep our store shelves stocked and lower costs for American families.”

The United States faced several supply chain disruptions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, from a global chip shortage that skyrocketed used car prices to an ocean shipping backlog that made it harder for American consumers to find products on store shelves and our exporters to get goods to international markets. These disruptions put pressure on the U.S. economy and raise costs for working families.

The Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act would provide a more robust understanding of our national supply chain, evaluate the capacity of U.S. manufacturers across critical industries, including emerging technologies, proactively identify and address disruptions before they happen and help keep U.S. industries competitive globally.

 The Bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act:

  • Charges the Department of Commerce with leading a new government-wide Supply Chain Resiliency and Crisis Response program to map, monitor and model U.S. supply chains in critical industries and emerging technologies. The program will monitor demands and find any gaps or vulnerabilities for critical goods, including any gaps in manufacturing, warehousing, transportation and distribution.
  • Creates an early warning supply chain disruption system at the Department of Commerce that uses artificial intelligence and quantum hybrid computing to identify potential supply chain shocks before they occur. This early warning mechanism would improve the federal government’s response to find alternative sources and take proactive steps with the private sector to mitigate before supply chain shocks have major negative impacts on the U.S. economy and consumers. 
  • Evaluates the capacity of domestic manufacturers as sources of critical goods, equipment or technology, including emerging technology. It will assess the U.S. manufacturing workforce and identify needs. The program will develop opportunities to build capacity in critical industries and emerging technology and to create high-quality American jobs. 
  • Works with the private sector to develop best practices to promote secure and resilient supply chains for American producers and help improve their supply chain resiliency.    
  • Creates a coordination group with other Federal agencies, industry and civil society organizations, academia, state and local governments and key international allies to work with the new program to develop crucial supply chain resiliency policies and recommendations.
  • Conducts a capability assessment to inform the Executive Branch and Congress on the program and the current ability to address supply chains and describe shortfalls for future action.

This legislation was introduced in the House (H.R. 6571) by Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) and Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) and overwhelmingly passed the House last week.

Read the bill text HERE.

“NEMA applauds Senator Cantwell and Senator Blackburn for introducing legislation that will establish a government-wide effort to improve our nation’s supply chains, and urges the Senate to take swift action to advance the legislation. Collaboration among government, manufacturers, and the electroindustry is critical to ensuring a reliable, resilient supply chain that achieves the shared infrastructure modernization goals of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Failure to solve short- and long-term supply chain challenges will stall the electroindustry’s progress in creating an accessible, electrified transportation system, modernized buildings and lighting, a more resilient grid, and efficient, expanded manufacturing. NEMA looks forward to working with lawmakers on fortifying our nation’s manufacturing base, strengthening supply chain systems, and streamlining regulatory programs to support an electrified, connected, and sustainable future for all Americans.” — Debra Phillips, President and CEO, NEMA.

“Consumer Brands applauds Senators Cantwell and Blackburn for introducing legislation that would direct the Department of Commerce to enhance supply chain resiliency and equip the agency with much-needed tools to map and monitor critical supply chains. Strengthening supply chains is essential to ensuring the availability and affordability of food, beverage, household and personal care products, and to bolstering the competitiveness of America's largest manufacturing sector.” — Thomas Madrecki, Vice President of Campaigns and Special Projects, Consumer Brands Association.

“ITI is pleased that U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell and Marsha Blackburn have introduced the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act. This critical bill will help support supply chain resilience, safeguard national security, and promote innovation. We call on the U.S. Senate to send this bill to President Biden as soon as possible.” — Jason Oxman, President and CEO, ITI.

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act. Ensuring the resilience of our supply chains is essential to maintaining America’s global leadership in innovation and manufacturing. By creating the Supply Chain Resiliency and Crisis Response Office, this legislation will not only foster collaboration between government and industry, but also provide the resources necessary to build the robust infrastructure of the future, support high-quality American jobs, and bolster national security.” — John Drake, Vice President, Transportation, Infrastructure, and Supply Chain Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“The United States leads the world in medtech innovation and manufacturing. Resilient supply chains support our ability to serve patients in the United States and around the world. AdvaMed welcomes the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act which creates a Supply Chain Resilience Office within the Department of Commerce that would work with stakeholders to identify upstream needs of critical sectors, direct domestic investments, and engage partners and allies to address vulnerabilities to prevent disruptions. As various offices and agencies across the U.S. government undertake new initiatives in support of supply chain resilience (i.e., critical supply chain mapping, industrial base expansion/investment, and global partnerships), it is imperative to have a central office with a bird’s eye view of U.S. industrial capabilities, the needs and challenges of critical sectors, and that serves as a coordinator and convener to advance policies that support supply chain resilience. AdvaMed appreciates the bipartisan, bicameral legislative work on this important issue.” — Abby Pratt, Senior Vice President, Global Strategy & Analysis Staff Lead, Supply Chain, AdvaMed.