
Cantwell Legislation to Designate Seattle’s Nordic Museum as National Nordic Museum Passes Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) to designate the Nordic Museum in Seattle as the National Nordic Museum passed the U.S. Senate as part of a broader package approved today. The designation is in recognition of the museum’s unique work to preserve, celebrate, and educate the American public about Nordic history, culture, and art.

“The Nordic Museum is a capstone of a long story about Nordic heritage in Seattle,” Senator Cantwell said. “Establishing the National Nordic Museum will help support local tourism and drive economic development as well as help further preserve our region’s Nordic history, and maritime and fishing heritage.”

Since its founding in 1980, the Nordic Museum has been the only museum in the United States solely focused on honoring the legacy of immigrants from the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Through its history, it has been dedicated to collective and preserving Nordic artifacts and culture and educating Americans about Nordic culture. It has become an internationally recognized museum and cultural center where people of all backgrounds can be inspired by the values, traditions, art, and spirit of the Nordic peoples.

"Thanks to Senator Cantwell’s leadership, the Nordic Museum is set to receive a national designation, which will help drive tourism to Ballard and acknowledges the hard work and investment that the local community has made in creating a world-class museum. National designation will strengthen our ability to generate support from the private sector and Nordic institutions to advance our mission of promoting the Nordic values of openness, social justice, innovation, and respect for nature. And it will certainly stimulate economic and cultural bonds between the Nordic region and Washington State, and indeed the entire country,” said Eric Nelson, Chief Executive Officer of the Nordic Museum.

On May 5, 2018, a new state-of-the-art facility was opened in Seattle to house the Nordic Museum, making Nordic history, culture, and art even more engaging and accessible to the public.

Having passed in the Senate, the legislation will now move on to the U.S. House of Representatives for consideration, where it is expected to pass quickly and move to the president’s desk.

A one-pager with more information on the Senate’s public lands package is available HERE.
