
Cantwell Statement on Ron Sims' Nomination For Deputy Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) issued the following statement regarding the announcement that King County Executive Ron Sims has been nominated by the Obama Administration as the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. If confirmed, Sims will be the highest ranking Washingtonian, thus far, in the Administration.
I am pleased that President Obama has chosen Ron for this important position.  As the country continues to face economic turmoil, including serious challenges in our housing market, we need smart and effective leadership to tackle these tough problems.  I’m confident that Ron Sims is just the person to get the job done.  Those of us who have worked with him know that for 13 years Ron has worked to reform government, and pursued policies to protect our state’s natural resources and environment.  If confirmed, Ron will be a staunch advocate for affordable housing and communities struggling to get through these tough economic times.”
As the Deputy Secretary, Sims will manage HUD’s day-to-day operations, a nearly $39 billion annual operating budget, and the agency’s 8,500 employees. His nomination requires approval by the U.S. Senate.
In March 2008, Cantwell introduced the Affordable Housing Investment Act to create more affordable housing by updating and modernizing the low-income housing tax credit program – a program that has been successful in helping construct needed affordable housing communities across the United States.
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