
Senator Maria Cantwell Calls for an End to Hate Crimes Against Arab Americans and Muslims

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell today made the following statement:

"The unimaginable tragedy of September 11, 2001 must not be compounded by senseless acts of racism and violence against Arab Americans and Muslims. Arab Americans and Muslims are first and foremost Americans. They are our neighbors, coworkers, friends and teachers. They, too, lost friends, relatives and other members of their community in the terrorist attacks, and they are among those valiantly working to restore and rebuild our country.

"The terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 were acts of cowardice and hate. The threats, harassment and crimes committed against Arab Americans and Muslims following those attacks, while motivated by fear and outrage, are also acts of cowardice and hate. We are better than that. Our nation is founded on principles that do not sanction, and will not tolerate, such behavior.

"What makes America strong is the diversity of its citizens. Now is the time to embrace our diversity and to value each other regardless of how we look or what religion we practice."

Senator Cantwell is a cosponsor of Senate Amendment 1560, the Sense of the Senate regarding discrimination against Arab Americans. To read the amendment (link to Thomas search: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:SP01560:).

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (UCCR) has established a hotline for reports of hate crimes against Arab American and Muslim of violent incidents following the terrorist attacks on September 11. The hotline number is 800-552-6843.
