
5G networks must be secured from hackers, bad actors, US senator says

By:  Abrar Al-Heeti
Source: CNET.com

Sen. Maria Cantwell says the US will need a comprehensive 5G cybersecurity plan if it wants to keep its competitive edge. 

The US will need to implement a strategy to protect 5G technology from hackers and state-sponsored bad actors, US Sen. Maria Cantwell said at a 5G hearing Wednesday. Cantwell, of Washington state, is the top Democrat on the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. 

"I'm all in for 5G ... But in the push for 5G, we need to make sure we're not blind to some of the very important policy issues," Cantwell said at the hearing. "5G networks must be secure, and that starts with having a 5G strategy that focuses on shoring up our defense against hackers and state-sponsored actors."  

As part of the proposed strategy, Cantwell said, the Trump administration would need to provide Congress with a "real, quantifiable 5G security threat assessment." In addition, the US would have to ensure the equipment made and used to run 5G networks is secure, and must determine whether to ban "foreign bad actors" from the 5G supply chain. Cantwell also said the US will have to work with international partners to prevent state-sponsored espionage. 

5G, the next generation of cellular technology, promises to boost internet speeds, coverage and responsiveness for wireless networks. It'll allow functions such as streaming HD videos on your mobile network and will accommodate more internet-of-things devices. Carriers like Verizon and AT&T have been racing to switch to 5G. 

"If we roll up our sleeves, get serious about the cyber issues, and continue to make the right investments in the innovation economy and the race to win in 5G, the United States will do very, very well," Cantwell said.